Thursday, February 27, 2020

Bartonella henselae Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bartonella henselae - Research Paper Example B. Henselae comes from the rickettsiaceae family and has been identified as a gram negative bacterium. The Gimemez staining procedure has served to be the most appropriate method. It is a bacilliform bacterium which has a curved shape along with a length of up to 2 microns and a diameter of up to 0.6 microns. The bacterium possesses the capability of growth outside cells. An interesting characteristic is that the pathologies resulting from the bacterium result mainly in the seasons of autumn and winter. This is believed to occur due to the breeding season of the cats and owing to the fact that cats are kept inside the house during the cold seasons. This raises the suseptibility of the bacterium to infect the human beings. The severities of the pathological conditions that affect the individuals differ according to the immune status of the patient (Acha et al 2003; Feigin 2004; McCue et al 2007). This paper will serve to analyze the prevalence of the bacterium accompanied with the dis eases that result due to the bacterium. Furthermore, it will highlight the diagnostic techniques that assist in identifying the bacterium along with the appropriate treatment modalities for the pathologies. Body: The epidemiological patterns for B. Henselae are not known for all the diseases. But, Cat Scratch Disease which is the most common pathology occurring due to B. Henselae occurs throughout the world and there is no predisposition for selective geographic areas. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, there are 24000 people who contract the disease every year. 2000 people need to be admitted in the hospital because of the problem. The disease affects the younger age groups more mostly due to the increased contact with the cats. The cats become infected with the bacterium owing to bites by fleas and ticks. It has been analyzed that locations with greater fleas tend to show more cases of cat scratch disease owing to the higher infectivi ty of cats. Furthermore, it is also seen that a few dogs may also become infected with the bacterium (Fiegin 2004; Yanoff et al 2008). The bacterium infects the human beings owing to contact with the cats. This has been demonstrated to be true in 90 percent of cases. This may occur due to being bitten by the cat or by being scratched or licked by the cat (McCue 2007). The cat scratch disease that results due to this mainly comprises of pathologies of the lymph nodes associated with raised temperature and lethargy. The first sign is the formation of a papule. The incubation period of the disease is 3 to 5 days. This pathology results mainly in patients who have a competent immune system. The disease is not very severe but in some cases it may extend to infect other organs owing to the systemic spread of bacterium. The disease may present with serious problems including enlargement of the spleen, inflammation of the liver as well as pneumonia (McCue et al 2007; Wilson et al 2002; Yano ff et al 2008). Bacillary angiomatosis is another pathological condition which results due to the bacterium B. Henselae in which there is the formation of vascular lesions on the skin, lymph nodes, brain and the bones. These lesions consist of bacteria and this pathological state mainly develops in the patients who suffer from AIDS. This is owing to their low immune competency. If the bacterium enters the circulation, the patients present with

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Business Writing Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Writing Portfolio - Essay Example The above is, owing mostly to rising gas prices. The Gas prices are unlikely to go down in the near future. Instead, a further rise is expected in the next few months. In order to address the above problem, we feel a need for you to make certain adjustments in your day to day operations. The adjustments are expected to be such that the employees working in the various shifts are allowed to exercise the choice to work lesser hours a day or per week. You may explore the possibilities for the same keeping into account the number of duty roaster change requests you have received in the past few months. We are gladly willing to extend any kind of support and guidance in the matter. Although you are well aware, it is important to point out at this juncture that no new stores are being opened and no stores are being closed down. Thus, the level of competition is expected to remain same. Further, we invite your suggestions on how to address the problem better. You may mail your suggestions a s soon as possible through email or phone on any of the workdays, between 10am through 5pm. Thank you. Warmest regards, XYZ.. Manager Public relations, ABC retail group Message2: Store Employees: A business memo MEMO   To: (Employee Name)   From: (Your name)   Date: (current date)   Subject: Changes in work schedule This is to bring to your notice a change in work schedule that is being planned in next few days. The purpose of this memo is to inform you about the reasons and ways to do so. As you must be aware, owing to rising gas prices, we are experiencing a fall in profits. Besides, you as an employee also must be feeling the strain on your finances due to the same. We have decided to make it less so by allowing you to modify your work schedule and suggest the same to those responsible in your respective sections/departments for planning your duties. The objective is to allow you easy sanction of leaves and also flexible working hours, so that occasional overstaffing can be effectively managed. Full time employees will be allowed to exchange their working hours with any willing full time or part time employees, such that it does not violate the stipulated total number of working hours. This will help consolidate working hours and will require less time and cost in transportation to and from your home to work. To start with you shall work on †¦.(days) for †¦..hours with flexibility to exchange these hours with willing partners with written permission from your section head. The store shall open on Sundays and you are required to work at least four hours this Sunday. You may compensate this with a leave on any other weekday. Message 3: Retail customers: An email message Dear Customer, We are thankful to you for your continued support and loyalty to our retail brand. As part of our constant endeavor to bring the best to our customers, we have planned certain new initiatives that we shall unfold in the coming weeks. Our stores shall be open mo re hours now, so that you may get more time to experience your favorite brand and buy your favorite products at the ongoing deals you always loved. We have introduced more self help counters at the stores, so that you may get relevant product information promptly and require minimal help from our very courteous